Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reader Responce

                                                                       Reader Responce
                                                 Febuary 1/2011                Melanie Smilynov

       I am responding to 100% official Justin Bieber First Step 2 Forever: My story by Justin Bieber. I have read the whole text (240/240). This text is non-fiction. 
       The main characters are Justin Bieber, Pattie Mallette,Scott "Scooter" Braun Dale, Bruce Dale, Diane Braun and Kenny Hamilton. The genre of this text is an auto biography because Justin Bieber wrote it himself and it is about his life and how he got to where he is now. The setting is all over the place but mostly in atlanta where he moved to when he got signed.

       The title of this text tells me that Justin Bieber is hoping to get bigger than he already is and he would like for his career to last a long time so this is only his 'first step 2 forever'. To summerize this text in 1-3 sentences i would say that this text is about Justin Bieber telling us about all the great people who made him who he is now and He tells the reader about all the sacrifices him and his family had to do to put him in the spot he is now. Another thing he talks about it how greatful he is for all the fans he has and all the support he gets. This text is really about him and how he got to where he is now. My favourite part of this text is when he told us about how it took him months to get someone interested in him but he said 'never say never' and he hoped and finally got signed. The big ideas of this text were when he told us how when he was growing up he  really didnt have much of anything and suddenley he had everything he ever wanted because he never gave up.

       This text makes me think about how you could have barely anything but as long as you are greatful for the little things, big things can happen. Justin Bieber reminds me of Usher because Usher also started off as a teen and he has a higher pitched voice and when it got deeper he learned to work with it and so did Justin because they shared the same vocal coach, Jan Smith. I am sort of like Justin Bieber because when he truely wants something he never gives up and when I truely want something i work hard for it and never say never. If i could talk to Justin i would tell him how much i admire him and his work. I would also tell him how much I look up to him because he came from such a small town not having much and now he is in this big world living the dream. I truely love that about him. If I were Justin I would show how much I love my fans and then i would try and convince all of his haters that he is just a normal kid like everyone else and they have no reason to not like him.
        I like this text because Justin is my role modal and reading this book tought me so much more about him. When I read this text I felt very close to Justin because he told us so much about his life and the inside things most people did not know. This text makes me want to meet just in person so i could see what he would have to say in person. I learnd so much about Justin such as what went wrong when his hit 'one time' was released and the things he had to sacrifice. I admire this character because he as gone through so much and now he is at the top and no one can bring him down because he is a strong person.


  1. Thanks for posting your response on time, Melanie. I am looking forward to getting the inside scoop on Justin in your reader response and in the biography presentation next week!
    ~Mrs. D

  2. You did a good job of summarizing the text in a few sentences without giving too many specific details! I like that in your relate section, you related Justin to yourself, and to another artist (Usher). You also did a good job at identifying the message (although you didn't say it was the message) at the beginning of the Relate section. I am curious to know what went wrong with his hit release that you mentioned above. Try to be a little bit more detailed as you explain your arguments. I'd also like to hear more about how the text itself was written and if you found it easy to follow and understand. Was the writing descriptive and could you tell it was him who wrote it? Did he have a ghost writer help him write it? I am glad to hear you were inspired by this text!

  3. Good job melanie! I can realy tell that you enjoyed the book because you did an awesome job relating and adding voice to your reader respone. I , myslef am not much of a beiber fan but after learning a bit more about his background/history I am starting to admire his work. You did a goob writing your reader response and presenting your bio! good job melz!

  4. I loved your reader response. I do agree with Jasmine-you did add a lot of voice which I liked. If I didn't know that you were a Justin
    Beiber fan, I would still be able to tell that you really did admire him and he is like your role model because you were really passionate in your response.
    Awesome Job!

  5. Your response was great Melanie! I also have to agree with Linette and Jasmine bacause I really liked that you used voice in your writing. I would like to learn alot more about Justin just from reading this response and wished that you would have put some more examples about his life in your response, but overall, I really liked your response!

  6. i like your reader response you add a lot of voice which makes it really interesting to read. also good job.
